

Are you confused by the constant stream of updates and messages about downloading programs every time you log into Windows, most people are it's very difficult to be sure of which ones are legitimate and which ones are nasty programs trying to infect your computer.


There is a very easy way to check which updates need installing for the majority of software you have on your computer. By downloading a small free program from filehippo.com the update checker will scan your computer and recognise your software then show you a list of updates.



file_hippo_logo3The update checker can be downloaded from www.filehippo.com/updatechecker 


Just download the software onto your computer and double-click to install the program, follow the on-screen prompts until the installation is finished, a new icon will appear on the desktop in the shape of a small hippo with protruding eyes. You should also see this icon in the taskbar on the bottom right-hand side next to the time. After a minute or so you should get a pop-up message or a green square over the hippo to show you that updates are waiting. Click onto the message or double click the green square and a complete list of all updates will appear.


It is now simple process of clicking on the green arrow at the end of the update to download the update onto your computer, once downloaded you must click run or double-click the file to get the update to install.


You may also see right at the bottom a list of beta updates, I would not advise you install these. This is testing software only and may cause problems if you install it on your computer.


Hopefully this has taken the stress out of updating your programs, now all you have to worry about the Windows updates which should appear once or twice a month as a small yellow shield on the bottom right next time.


If you have not seen this in a while or one could run a check yourself, click on start, all programs, and click on Windows update or Microsoft update. If you are prompted to install an ActiveX control please accept it, after this you will be asked if you wish to do an express check or custom, you can choose either but express is easier.


Please remember to do regular backup to keep you data safe.